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The Holes in the Competency-Based Model

Will the expansion of competency-based models of higher education improve accessibility for adults? Yes, without question. However, this model misses certain points.
The student needs more than passing a test or credit for past experience. I had two Master’s Degrees when I went back to take an Associate’s degree in another field. A degree requirement was a course in Job Marketing Skills. My advisor mentioned that since I had been out in the workforce he could get me excused from the course. I decided to take it anyway. This one credit course turned out to be one of the most valuable courses I have ever taken. Not only did it help me prepare for a lot of future job interviews, but it helped me in my positions and it gave me the resources to help two young people land jobs when they both had been looking for about a year. The materials in Norman Yates’ “Knock ‘Em Dead [Year]” also helped me focus on my employer’s expectations in the workplace.
As an instructor, my first lesson included discussion of time management, life management and study skills. That information helped my students in all subjects for all time from that moment forward. Would these tests do that for them? The possession of these skills definitely would affect student retention and success after completion.
I also taught my students tips about real life application of the academic material, shortcuts, and actual application of the skills. Teamwork was also included. How can such tests measure these aspects?
On the other hand, I know I would be totally bored if I had to sit in a class where I was being taught how to do simple arithmetic and certainly be resentful about the time and money spent on it. Therefore, I think that testing alone would not provide the best situation for the student. We would have to assess other information via interviews.
Author Perspective: Business