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Considering a Partnership or a Contract Relationship? Food for Thought

But when should institutions want to try to cross a line in their vendor relationships, moving from contract client to partner client? And what can that choice mean for the institution?
To start, be aware that vendors need partners. They don’t need many institutional partners, but they do need them. Partnerships can be formal or informal but they always happen and they supply benefits to the vendor that include things like a deeper understanding of the differences in institutional operations and how institutions respond to market trends and regulatory changes. This information is invaluable to the vendor. But partnerships require substantial investment from both sides and if both parties don’t take the long view, it can foster frustration and a feeling that the partnership is not producing results.
Likewise, an institution can reap significant benefits from partnering with the right vendor. Through the partnership, it can achieve a strong influence across the levels of the vendor organization. This can help drive decisions in the vendor organization in ways that benefit the institution. Institutional administrators can gain a deep understanding of the functionality within the product and know how to make that product run optimally for their constituents. And they gain insight into the future direction of the products and services — seeing how these plans will or won’t align with their future plans. All of these benefits from the relationship then inform an institution’s future direction and help ensure their success.
So, who is the right vendor? The answer really depends on where an institution chooses to, or needs to, invest. Does the institution need more automation in the management of student records and financial aid awarding to drive down costs? Or does the institution need a new learning or experience (identity) hook to attract students to the school?
If a school is looking for the former, it might want to consider a partnership with an SIS vendor. If it’s looking for the latter, then the LMS vendor might be a better choice.
Each institution should try to partner with one or two carefully selected vendors based on the needed results for the university and the limitations on its resources to invest.
So, as an institution or vendor, what do you need? When should you partner and when does a contract-only arrangement make more sense? Choose to partner, but carefully. Chosen well, partnerships can provide great mutual benefits. Chosen poorly, they’re a drain on resources with little return on the investment.
Author Perspective: Business