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Author Profile

Rebecca Whitehead | Product Manager for Academics, Campus Management Corporation

Rebecca Whitehead | Product Manager for Academics, Campus Management Corporation

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Rebecca Whitehead has been a Product Manager for CampusVue Student with the Campus Management Corporation. She concurrently serves as the Owner and Vice President for Operations with Techfixers.

Prior to joining Campus Management Corporation, Whitehead was with University of Advancing Technology for 18 years, serving in a wide variety of positions and ending her tenure as the Vice President of Programs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Whitehead earned her BSE and MSE in Engineering from Arizona State University. She graduated from Valley Leadership’s Leadership Institute in 2013, and from the APSCU Leadership Institute in 2008.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Whitehead serves as an Advisory Board Member with the City of Surprise, Arizona’s TechCelerator. She is a Member of the East Valley Partnership’s Board of Directors, and serves as a Director of the UAT Foundation.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt