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Author Profile

Tennis Lilly | Master’s Student, Lesley University

Tennis Lilly | Master’s Student, Lesley University

Current Position and Past Experience
Tennis Lilly is currently a Training Supervisor with Windham Professionals.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tennis Lilly is currently pursuing his MEd from Lesley University’s Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences, focusing on adult learning and scientific literacy. He earned a certificate in Paralegal Studies from Middlesex Community College in 1993 and returned to college in 2009 to complete his BA through Lesley's Learning Community Bachelors program (LCB), an intensive residency degree completion program designed for working adults. He earned BA in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Environmental Studies in 2012.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Tennis Lilly has been active in environmental issues in Lawrence, Massachusetts for nearly 20 years. He has served on the Lawrence Conservation Commission for 12 years and was recognized for his activism by the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) when he was awarded a fellowship in 2008. As part of his studies with Lesley University, Tennis spent an entire semester teaching biology students at Lawrence High School about vernal pool ecology and leading them in field research that documented vernal pools and the presence of endangered species in Lawrence’s Den Rock Park.

Tennis lives in Lawrence, Massachusetts with his wife of 25 years, Michelle. They have three children, four cats, one dog and a plethora of urban wildlife in their backyard.

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