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Author Profile

Susan Aldridge | President of Drexel University Online, Drexel University

Susan Aldridge | President of Drexel University Online, Drexel University

Current Position and Past Experience
Susan Aldridge is the Senior Vice President for Online Learning and President of Drexel University Online at Drexel University. She has held these positions since 2013.

Prior to joining Drexel, Aldridge was a Senior Fellow at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.

From 2006-2012, she was President of University of Maryland University College and from 2001-2006, she was Vice Chancellor of Troy University

Education, Honors and Achievements
Aldridge received her BA in 1977 from Colorado Women’s College. In 1987, she attained her MPA from the University of Colorado Denver. In 1991, she completed her PhD in Public Administration at the University of Colorado Denver.

Aldridge has won numerous awards in her career. Most recently, she won the 2013 Hall of Fame Award from the US Distance Learning Association. She is a two-time winner of The Washingtonian’s Washington’s 100 Most Powerful Women Award and she has also won the Global Award for International Technology Advancement from Women in Technology.

This month, AASCU released the new book Aldridge co-authored, titled Wired for Success: Real-World Solutions for Transforming Higher Education.

Susan Aldridge can be reached through her website or through LinkedIn.

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