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Author Profile

Steven Starks | Career Counselor, University of Phoenix

Steven Starks | Career Counselor, University of Phoenix

Current Position and Past Experience
Steven Starks is a National Certified Counselor and Career Coach who specializes in helping career changers transition into industries and roles that differ from their background. With a unique blend of behavioral health, academic advising, and professional counseling experience, he is able to help clients work through the emotional roller coaster of the job search while implementing the strategies to achieve results. Whether he’s coaching individuals, facilitating workshops, or developing curriculum, Steven takes his clients from “I had no idea what I wanted to do” to “I know what I need to do to pursue a career I love.”

Education, Honors and Achievements
Steven Starks earned his BA in Psychology and Sociology from Arizona State University and a minor in family studies and child development. Steven also earned his MS in Psychology from University of Phoenix and is currently completing his MS in mental health counseling from Walden University.

You can find Starks on the web via Twitter @stevenrstarks or through his LinkedIn profile. You can find more of his written work at the Distance Advising blog.

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