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Author Profile

Steven Bell | Associate University Librarian, Temple University

Steven Bell | Associate University Librarian, Temple University

Current Position and Past Experience
Steven Bell is currently the Associate University Librarian at Temple University. Prior to this, he was the Director of the Gutman Library at Philadelphia University, which followed his time as Assistant Director of the Lippincott Library at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. He also currently serves as the president of the Association of College & Research Libraries for 2012-2013.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bell earned his Master of Science in Library Science from Drexel University and his Doctorate in Higher Education Administration from the University of Pennsylvania. He is co-author of the book Academic Librarianship by Design.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
A student of higher education, Bell writes the weekly column “ From the Bell Tower” for the Library Journal Academic Newswire. The column explores the intersection between higher education and academic libraries. He also authors a monthly column “ Leading from the Library” about learning to be a library leader.

You can find Bell on the web via Twitter @blendedlib or through his personal website.

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