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Author Profile

Sandy Baum | Research Professor, George Washington University

Sandy Baum | Research Professor, George Washington University

Current Position and Past Experience
Sandy Baum is a research professor at the George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development and a senior fellow at the Urban Institute. She also serves as a Professor Emerita of Economics at Skidmore College.

Dr. Baum has co-authored the College Board’s annual publications Trends in Student Aid and Trends in College Pricing since 2002. She also co-authors Education Pays: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society. She chaired the College Board’s Rethinking Student Aid study group, which issued comprehensive proposals for reform of the federal student aid system in 2008, and the Rethinking Pell Grants study group, which issued recommendations in April 2013. She chaired a Brookings Institution study group that issued its report, Beyond Need and Merit: Strengthening State Grant Programs in May 2012 and is a member of the Board of the National Student Clearinghouse.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Baum earned her BA in Sociology from Bryn Mawr College in 1972. In 1981, she earned her PhD in Economics from Columbia University.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review