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Saira Cooper | Director of Digital Learning, IT and Operations in the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, Rice University

Saira Cooper | Director of Digital Learning, IT and Operations in the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, Rice University

Current Position and Past Experience
Saira Cooper is currently Director of Digtial Learning, IT and Operations in the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies at Rice University and has been with the institution since 2010. Some of the roles she’s served here include instructional designer in both the Jones Graduate School of Business, as well as the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies. She was also an Instructural Technology Manager before stepping into her current role. Prior to Rice University, Cooper was Lead nstructional Designer at West Virginia University, as well as an Academic Computing Coordinator and Webmaster at Davis & Elkins College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cooper holds a Master’s degree in Educational and Instructional Technology from West Virginia University. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Davis & Elkins College, and a graduate certificate in Strategic Management from Harvard University Extension School.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Coper enjoys traveling, walking and spending time with her husband and two daughters.

You can connect with Saira on LinkedIn

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