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Author Profile

Rob Kingyens | Chief Technology Officer and Chief Marketing Technology Officer, eCornell

Rob Kingyens | Chief Technology Officer and Chief Marketing Technology Officer, eCornell

Current Position and Past Experience
Rob is a customer-centric and data-driven leader who leverages agile methodologies and technology to deliver new learning products and services that position eCornell as both a market and a thought leader to drive real-world outcomes for its students.

In addition to speaking engagements and being cited in industry publications on the effective application of learning technologies, agile, and data-driven management, Rob has served in various management and executive level roles, leading the learning, technology, and marketing initiatives for global Fortune 1000, government, and non-profit organizations.

eCornell is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cornell University, delivering online learning to students and organizations in more than 180 countries with 40% annual enrollment growth.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Kingyens was named a Top 100 Producer by the Multimedia Producer Magazine, and was part of the team that won an Adobe/Macromedia’s People’s Choice Award.

You can find Kingyens on LinkedIn and on Twitter @RobKingyens..

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt