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Author Profile

Rene Eborn | Deputy of Digital Transformation & Associate Vice President, Utah State University

Rene Eborn | Deputy of Digital Transformation & Associate Vice President, Utah State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Rene Eborn has over two decades of higher education and technology experience and is passionate about education. She is experienced in building sustainable, innovative process and culture by aligning university business goals and technology investments to lead cultural change and transformation within higher education. She has worked at innovative universities to help promote change such as WGU, SNHU, and currently has come full circle returning to her roots as Deputy of Digital Transformation & Associate Vice President at Utah’s prestige land-grant institution Utah State University where she began her career.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rene has her advanced degree in Education with an emphasis in Adult Learning and Technology, a certification from Harvard Program on Negotiation and Leadership, and recently completed her certification from MIT in Digital Transformation.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Rene is an avid reader and in her free time she enjoys hiking, Nordic and downhill skiing, as well as you can often find her spending time with her children and grandchildren.

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