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Regina Smick-Attisano | Executive Director of the Thompson School of Applied Science, University of New Hampshire

Regina Smick-Attisano | Executive Director of the Thompson School of Applied Science, University of New Hampshire

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Regina Smick-Attisano is the Executive Director of the Thompson School of Applied Science at the University of New Hampshire. She has held this position for nearly 18 years. From 1988 – 1997 she was the Assistant Director, Agricultural Technology Program in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Institution and State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Smick-Attisano received her Ed.D from the Virginia Polytechnic Institution and State University in 1986.

You can connect with Smick-Attisano on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt