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Raquel Collins | Associate Director of Technology, Media and Professional Programs, University of British Columbia

Raquel Collins | Associate Director of Technology, Media and Professional Programs, University of British Columbia

Current Position and Past Experience
Raquel Collins is currently the Associate Director of Technology, Media and Professional Programs and the Professional Online Learning Office (POLO) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Continuing Studies. She has held this position since 2012. Prior to this, Collins was a Senior Program Leader at UBC Continuing Studies and has worked in university-level adult education programming since 2000. During this time she has been actively involved in the development of several award-winning certificate programs focused on technology, media and business-related subjects.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Collins completed her BComm at Saint Mary’s University. She earned a certificate in Internet Marketing from the University of British Columbia and she completed her Master’s of Education, focusing on Adult Learning and Global Change at UBC.

She has presented at several conferences including the Project Management Institute (PMI) Global Congress, the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) and the World Conference on E-Learning (ELEARN) on topics related to university/association partnerships and online program development. Along with her presentation at ELEARN she co-published a paper entitled "POLO Anyone? Changing the Rules of the Game" on UBC Continuing Studies' approach to e-learning development.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Raquel is currently a member of the CAUCE Professional Development Committee and an advisory board member for the Canadian Women in Communications and Technology (WCT), Digital Media and Technology Council and the Digital Strategy Conference in Vancouver. She also held a five-year chair position for the Digital Analytics Association (DAA) for which she received the DAA Crystal Award for her outstanding contributions to the Association.

In her free time Raquel enjoys running, walking her dog and is a hot yoga enthusiast.

Raquel Collins can be found on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt