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Author Profile

Rajeeth Dev Anand | President of the International Students Association, Michigan State University

Rajeeth Dev Anand | President of the International Students Association, Michigan State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Rajeeth Dev Anand is the President of the International Students association at Michigan State University, where he is pursuing his undergraduate degree.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Anand is expected to earn his bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering and Technology in 2014. Recepient of the Homer Higbee award 2014

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Anand loves to travel and try out cuisine native to the country. On top of that, he has a passion for cooking and experimenting with food to create a fusion of dishes. In addition to being a traveler and a foodie, Anand is a thrill seeker and loves adventurous sports like skydiving and scuba diving; some of his notable dives have been in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (for scuba diving) and the Gold Coast (for skydiving).

His more subtle hobbies include coin collecting, stamp collecting and learning music.

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