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Nikki Karakostas | Master’s Student, George Washington University

Nikki Karakostas | Master’s Student, George Washington University

Current Position and Past Experience
Nikki Karakostas is currently a Master’s student at The George Washington University. She also works as a Paralegal at Offit Kurman.

Prior to joining Offit Kurman, Karakostas was previously professionally affiliated with: Stein Sperling; Hood Law Firm; Shulman Rogers; and, Selzer Gurvitch.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Karakostas holds an A.A. in Legal Studies and a Certificate in Paralegal Studies from Montgomery College. She also has a B.S. in Legal Studies from University of Maryland University College

Karakostas is currently enrolled in a Master’s degree in Law Firm Management at The George Washington University. She expects to graduate in 2015.

Karakostas is a 2014 winner of the Mary Cone Barrie Scholarship, awarded by Destiny Solutions.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Karakostas enjoys spending her free time with her family and finds much relaxation in cooking. As a self-professed foodie, she can often be found perusing recipes to try. She also serves as a Board Member to her Homeowners Association, and as an Ambassador to the Graduate Program with GWU.

Nikki Karakostas can be found on LinkedIn.

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