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Nancy Rubin | Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Education, Northwestern Health Sciences University

Nancy Rubin | Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Education, Northwestern Health Sciences University

Current Position and Past Experience
Nancy Rubin is the Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Education at Northwestern Health Sciences University. This followed a year as Executive Director of Extended Campus at the University of Northern Colorado.

Concurrently, Rubin is the Owner of NRR Consulting, where she consults with business, educators, and instructional institutions on customizing and implementing online learning programs, learning and content management systems, and social media strategies.

Prior to joining the University of Northern Colorado, Rubin was Executive Director of Distance and Online Learning at the Columbia Video Network, the online graduate department of the Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Columbia University.

Prior to this, Rubin was the Director of Online Learning and Social Media at Columbia. She also served as a Curriculum Specialist at Kaplan University and as the Manager of Instructional Technology Support Services at Florida Atlantic University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rubin earned her BS in Marketing in 1985 at Syracuse University. In 2001, she completed her MS in Information Studies at Marist College. In 2007, she earned her PhD in Comparative Studies at Florida Atlantic University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Rubin is an active blogger and spends time building social communities online. When not connected to her computer, Nancy enjoys reading, eating great food that her chef/husband cooks, and walking with her dog.

Nancy Rubin can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter @nancyrubin.

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