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Author Profile

Michelle Walker Wade | Career Technology Education Program Manager, New Haven Adult School

Michelle Walker Wade | Career Technology Education Program Manager, New Haven Adult School

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2001 Michelle Walker-Wade has worked with adult learners, specializing in education management for career training programs, customized workplace training, English for the workplace, and business management & communications. She has coordinated, implemented, and maintained all aspects of the business, including but not limited to education leadership & management, curriculum design & instruction, teacher coaching and facilitation of on-going professional development using the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model, community partnership & relationship development, marketing communications and social networking. She is an expert at developing individuals and teams for workplace and business success. She is committed to building partner relationships between governmental agencies, workforce & economic development boards, education providers, and local employers. Michelle has been Career Technology Education Program Manager at the New Haven Adult School in Union City, CA since 2006, and was also classroom instructor and workplace trainer since 2001. Michelle has also worked as an independent consultant on curriculum, instruction, and partner development for local community colleges, regional occupational training centers, and other small to medium-sized organizations. In addition to education management, Michelle also has over 15 years working in financial services.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Michelle Walker-Wade graduated Cum Laudé with her BA in Liberal Studies and Business Management and Communications from Holy Names University in Oakland, CA. She was recognized by the California Council for Adult Education Bay Section as the 2008 ‘Teacher of the Year’.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In addition to education management and workforce development, Michelle is an ordained elder in the church where she works with youth, performing arts, Christian education, and community development.

You can find Michelle on LinkedIn and on Twitter @mwalkerwade. For more of her writing, please visit Workplace Literacy for Professionals.

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