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Author Profile

Michelle Giovannozzi | Associate Vice Provost of Academic Innovation, Portland State University

Michelle Giovannozzi | Associate Vice Provost of Academic Innovation, Portland State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Michelle possesses extensive experience in higher education, workforce, and economic development, with a passion for the intersection of education and business. Michelle currently serves as the Associate Vice Provost of Academic Innovation at Portland State University. Prior, she was Director of Portland State University’s Center for Executive and Professional Education. She has provided strategic leadership for the School of Business and oversaw the delivery of public and custom professional and executive programs. Prior to joining Portland State University, Michelle served as the Director of Economic Development and Partnerships for Clark College. Her additional professional pursuits include providing leadership and team development coaching and training for corporate clients and guest writing business columns.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Michelle Giovannozzi holds a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University in French Literature and European Cultural Studies. She also earned a master’s degree in Human Resource Management from Seattle Pacific University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In 2015, Michelle Giovannozzi was elected to the Board of Directors for Vancouver School District 37, where she oversees the district’s goals, operations, and policies. She served as the president of the Board from 2017-2018. She has held several other community board positions, including serving as secretary of the board for Leadership Clark County and on the executive board of the Foundation for Vancouver Public Schools

You can connect with Michelle Giovannozzi on LinkedIn.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed