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Martha Ellis | Dean of Faculty at the Roueche Graduate Center, National American University

Martha Ellis | Dean of Faculty at the Roueche Graduate Center, National American University

Current Position and Past Experience
Martha Ellis is the Dean of Faculty and Professor in the Roueche Graduate Center at National American University. This followed her time as Associate Vice Chancellor for Community College Partnerships at the University of Texas System, where she coordinated initiatives and state-level policy work between the community colleges and other Texas university systems. Prior to joining the UT System, Ellis was President of Lee College. She also served as President of Texas State Technical College and held various leadership and faculty positions at Collin County Community College. Ellis got her start in higher education at Eastfield College of the Dallas County Community College District.

In addition to her current position, Ellis concurrently serves as a leadership coach for Achieving the Dream and Gulf Coast PASS. She serves on the advisory committees for Texas Completes, American Honors College and Dana Center Mathways Project. She is also a facilitator for the Future Leaders Institute of the American Association of Community Colleges.

Education, Honors and Achievements
In addition to her PhD from the University of North Texas, Ellis has a Master of Science degree from University of Texas at Dallas, and bachelor’s degree from American Christian College. She completed post graduate work at Columbia University in New York as well as an internship at the Albert Ellis Institute at State University of New York. She was recognized by the U.S. Congress as the 2008 outstanding community college educator.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Ellis is a committee member for the appeals committee of the Commission on Colleges for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. She completed her tenure as President of Region XIV of the National Junior College Athletic Association, member of the Commission on Women in Higher Education for the American Council on Education, and Board member of the American Association of Community Colleges. She was president of the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities, Texas Community College Association, and Hall of Honor for Phi Theta Kappa. Dr. Ellis is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Psychological Association.

Martha and her husband, Steve, have two grandchildren and humane society puppy, named Charlie B.

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