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Author Profile

Manuel Lopez | Senior Director of Continuing Education at the University College, University of South Florida

Manuel Lopez | Senior Director of Continuing Education at the University College, University of South Florida

Current Position and Past Experience
Manuel Lopez is Senior Director for Continuing Education in University College at the University of South Florida. University College leads USF distance learning development in collaboration with other University academic colleges, expanding market-based programs, advancing professional and workforce development and encouraging lifelong learning.

During his 17 years at the University of South Florida, Manuel has held a series of leadership positions. Prior to his role in University College he was director of Parking and Transportation Services and prior to that he was director of the Organization Development and Training division. His background is in organization development and continuous improvement.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Manuel earned a B.S. in 1987 from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1993 he earned a second B.S. and an MBA from the University of Tampa in Tampa, Florida.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Manuel is a Past Member of the Board of Examiners of the Governor’s Florida Sterling Council. He is also a Past member of the City of Tampa Mayor’s Hispanic Advisory Council, which he was appointed to by the Mayor. He is currently a Member of the American Society for Training and Development.

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