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Author Profile

Kathryn Green | Online Product Manager, Capella University

Kathryn Green | Online Product Manager, Capella University

Current Position and Past Experience
Kathryn Green is currently the Online Product Manager at Capella University. This followed two years as a Supervisor for Instructional Design at Capella, as well as two years as a Project Manager leading two areas of the institution’s strategic initiatives.

Green has presented at Sloan/OLC, WCET, and is speaking in a shared session at Blackboard World 2015.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Green earned her BA from Baylor University in Professional Writing and her MA in Human Development from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Green volunteers as a Mentor for the Leaders of Today and Tomorrow (LOTT) Fellows Program, which brings together women from diverse backgrounds to create a collaborative learning environment.

You can find Green on the web via her LinkedIn profile.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine