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Author Profile

Julie Tolman Thompson | Associate Professor, American Public University System

Julie Tolman Thompson | Associate Professor, American Public University System

Current Position and Past Experience
Julie Tolman Thompson is an Associate Professor at the American Public University System. Prior to this, Thompson served as an Adjunct Faculty with the American Public University System, as an Instructor at the YMCA and as an Ecologist and Project Scientist with Eco-Systems, Inc. Thompson has also worked as an Ecologist with Consolidated Resources Ltd and as an Ecologist with the Georgia Department of Transportation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Thompson received her MS in Zoology in 1998 from Brigham Young University. In 2002, she completed her PhD in Biology from the University of Oregon.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
She has a passion for everything outdoors and nature such as hiking, camping, canyoneering, swimming, rafting and boogie boarding. She enjoys serving the community in various roles such as member of the elementary school board, Title 1 county representative, and vice president of the parent teacher organization, and has served on the board of directors for a local land conservation trust.

Julie Tolman Thompson can be found on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review