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Author Profile

Jonathan Finkelstein | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Credly

Jonathan Finkelstein | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Credly

Current Position and Past Experience
Jonathan Finkelstein is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Credly. Finkelstein also founded and serves as an Advisor for LearningTimes. Earlier in Finkelstein’s career, he co-founded and served as the Senior Vice President of HorizonLive (now known as Blackboard Collaborate).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Finkelstein earned his B.A. in Visual and Environmental Studies from Harvard University.

Finkelstein has also earned a number of certifications and badges over the course of his career. He holds a Thought Leader distinction from EDUCAUSE, for whom he leads online programs on developing digital credentialing systems. Finkelstein also co-authored a report for the US Department of Education on the value of digital badges for adults, and also authored the book Learning in Real Time (Wiley).

Finkelstein, as Credly’s founder, won the Best Application Service Provider Website award from the Web Marketing Association in 2014.

You can connect with Jonathan Finkelstein through LinkedIn and on Twitter @JEFinkelstein and through his Credly biography. To learn more about Credly, please click here.

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Avoiding summer melt