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Author Profile

Joianne Smith | President, Oakton Community College

Joianne Smith | President, Oakton Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2015, Joianne Smith has served as the President of Oakton Community College after over 10 years as the college’s Vice President for Student Affairs. Smith got her start at Oakton as the Dean of Students.

Prior to joining Oakton Community College, Smith was the Assistant Director of University Residential Life at Northwestern University. This followed two years as the Dean of Brainerd Commons at Middlebury College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Smith earned her BA in Psychology and Religion from Wittenberg University. She earned her PhD in Counseling Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and is a licensed psychologist in Illinois

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When not at the College, Smith enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She also enjoys travelling, cooking and gardening.

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