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Author Profile

Joanna Young | Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer, Michigan State University

Joanna Young | Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer, Michigan State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2014, Joanna Young has served as the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at Michigan State University. This followed five years at the University of New Hampshire, where she served as Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice President of Finance.

Prior to joining UNH, Young served for 20 years at Liberty Mutual Group, serving in a number of roles including Vice President and Manager of Customer Support Services, Operations Manager, Project Manager and Vice President for Desktop Technical Services. She ended her tenure with Liberty Mutual Group in the role of Chief Information Officer for Corporate Systems & Shared Services.

Young is involved with the technology eco-system in New Hampshire, regularly collaborating with other technology leaders and professionals in the Granite State, particularly around broadband and cyber infrastructure.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Young earned her BSc in Business Administration from the University of New Hampshire in 1987.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Young follows college and professional hockey and football. She enjoys running, and is working sporadically on a science fiction novel.

You can find Joanna on the web via Twitter @jcycio. For more of her writing, please visit her blog.

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