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Author Profile

Jill Campbell | Instructional Designer and Educational Technology Specialist, Assiniboine Community College

Jill Campbell | Instructional Designer and Educational Technology Specialist, Assiniboine Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2008, Jill Campbell has been an Instructional Designer and an Educational Technology Specialist at Assiniboine Community College.

Over the years Campbell has provided instructional design and technical support services to a wide range of organizations, including the University of Manitoba, Red River College, Digital opportunity Trust, Biotalent Canada (formerly Biotechnology Human Resource Council), Human Kinetics and others.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Campbell earned her Advanced Graduate Diploma in Distance Education Technology in 1999. A Master of Education in Distance Education followed this in 2001 where she was awarded the Athabasca University Governing Council Scholarship for completion of studies with the highest GPA.

Jill enjoys working within a collaborative team environment, learning from and sharing with others. In 2009 she won the Blackboard Exemplary Course Award for her role in the development of online Health Assessment with Red River nursing faculty member, Nancy Ball.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jill is currently Board member at large for Atelier de l'ACCP – CAID. She is also a member of Canadian Agricultural and Rural Extension Society and currently serving on the website committee. Prior to this, she spent three years volunteering with MADLat serving as Vice President, Keynote Chair, and Board member.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review