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Author Profile

Janet Morrison | President and Vice Chancellor, Sheridan College

Janet Morrison | President and Vice Chancellor, Sheridan College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Janet Morrison was named President and Vice Chancellor of Sheridan College in June 2018, prior to which she held the position of Provost and Vice President, Academic at Sheridan for two years. Before arriving at Sheridan, Janet spent 17 years at York University working in various roles focused on learning, discovery and engagement, most recently, serving as Vice-Provost, Students. Janet has also held leadership positions in student affairs and taught at the University of Guelph, Bowling Green State University, Medical College of Ohio and George Brown College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Morrison holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in history and education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Having worked in the post-secondary sector for over twenty-five years, Janet remains passionate about student success and community engagement. She served as a staff representative on York’s Board of Governors and in 2010 was awarded York University’s President’s Leadership Award. An active volunteer, Janet is the former Chair of the Board of Trustees at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and previously chaired the Board of Directors for the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. She was appointed to the Federal Advisory Committee to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions, which was chaired by the Department for Women and Gender Equality. In addition, Janet is Co-Chair of the Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) Working Group that has been tasked with the development of a National Standard on Psychological Health & Safety for Post-Secondary Students.

You can connect with Janet on Twitter

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