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Author Profile

James Broomall | Associate Provost for Professional and Continuing Studies (Retired), University of Delaware

James Broomall | Associate Provost for Professional and Continuing Studies (Retired), University of Delaware

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2001, James Broomall has been the Associate Provost for Professional and Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware, where he has been since 1988. Broomall retired from the University of Delaware in 2019.

Broomall served as the President of the University Continuing Education Association from 2004-2005. He has served on accrediting teams for the Middle States Association, and has been a consultant for the College Board and the American Council on Education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Broomall earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware and he completed his doctorate degree at Penn State University.

Articles by this author:

Driving student success