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Henry DeVries | Assistant Dean for External Affairs, UC San Diego

Henry DeVries | Assistant Dean for External Affairs, UC San Diego

Current Position and Past Experience
Henry DeVries is the assistant dean for external affairs at UC San Diego Extension. DeVries is an accomplished author who wrote the best-selling books Self-Marketing Secrets, Client Seduction and Pain Killer Marketing. Most recently he co-wrote Closing America’s Job Gap.

DeVries was the Career and Jobs editor for the online news magazine San Diego News Network and writes weekly columns for San Diego’s The Daily Transcript and Union Tribune on workplace and marketing issues. DeVries also founded the New Client Marketing Institute and is the former president of an Ad Age 500 advertising and public relations agency.

Education, Honors and Achievements
DeVries earned his MBA from San Diego State University in 1998 and completed a professional development certificate in managing professional service firms at Harvard Business School in 2004.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
DeVries is past president of the UC San Diego alumni association and San Diego’s High Tech Marketing Alliance.

DeVries can be found on Twitter @goodjobs_forall.

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