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Author Profile

Emily Richardson | Associate Vice President for Boundless Learning, Stetson University

Emily Richardson | Associate Vice President for Boundless Learning, Stetson University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Emily Richardson has been the Associate Vice President for Boundless Learning at Stetson University. Prior to this, Richardson spent 21 years at Widener University where she initially taught in the School of Hospitality Management. She served as Dean of the University College, a home for the non-traditional student prior to her departure.

Richardson started her career in the hotel management industry, where she time in multiple positions throughout the United States and worked for companies such as Hyatt Hotels, Harvey House Hotels and Rockresorts.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Richardson earned her BS from Cornell University in Hotel Management in 1975. In 1992 she earned her MEd in Instructional Design from Pennsylvania State University’s Great Valley Graduate Center. She earned her EdD in Higher Education Administration from Widener University in 2005.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Since 2002, Richardson has been a member of the University Professional and Continuing Education Association, and is currently the chair of the Regional Cabinet.

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