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Cynthia Proctor | Director of Communications and Academic Policy Development, Provost's Office, SUNY System Administration

Cynthia Proctor | Director of Communications and Academic Policy Development, Provost's Office, SUNY System Administration

Current Position and Past Experience
Cynthia Proctor has served as the Director of Communications and Academic Policy Development for the Provost at the State University of New York (SUNY) System Administration since 2017. She works closely with SUNY faculty and student governance on collaborative policy development, and has taken on a leadership role in supporting SUNY campuses in the development of high-quality micro-credential programs since SUNY’s policy was adopted in 2018. Cynthia has worked for SUNY for 22 years, including as Director of Communications and Chief of Staff for the Provost and Director of Public Affairs at SUNY’s Charter Schools Institute.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Proctor holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Public Relations from George Washington University. She also has an Associate of Science degree in Communications from Sage College of Albany and a Bachelor Science in Public Relations/Journalism from Utica College.

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