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Colleen Carmean | Assistant Chancellor of Academic Affairs, University of Washington Tacoma

Colleen Carmean | Assistant Chancellor of Academic Affairs, University of Washington Tacoma

Current Position and Past Experience
Colleen Carmean, PhD, is currently the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Innovation at the University of Washington Tacoma. She has served UW Tacoma for six years, previously as an Assistant Chancellor for Academic Technologies and as Director of Institutional Research.

Prior to this, Carmean was a Research Consultant at Sage Road Solutions and a Digital Knowledge Architect at Arizona State University.

Carmean has also held numerous other positions at Arizona State University including Director of e-Learning and Innovative Technologies for the School of Global Management and Leadership; Director of Research in the University Technology Office; and Director of IT for the West Campus.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Carmean received her BAS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1977. In 1990, she completed her MA at the University of Arizona. In 2008, she received her PhD in Shared knowledge architecture from Capella University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Living in the Pacific Northwest gives Carmean an opportunity to make wine from Eastern Washington and Oregon grapes, and to serve on the Board of the Tacoma Community Boat Builders, where sailors and carpenters teach disadvantaged youth to build and sail small boats.

Colleen Carmean can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter @carmean.

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