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Cody McGee | Business Analyst, Destiny Solutions

Cody McGee | Business Analyst, Destiny Solutions

Current Position and Past Experience
Cody McGee is a Business Analyst within the Client Services team at Destiny Solutions Inc, a position he has held since 2013. Prior to working with Destiny Solutions, McGee was a Business Analyst at BlackBerry Limited, where he worked with the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and BlackBerry 10 platform. While at BlackBerry, McGee managed a product which achieved operational cost savings of approximately $2M and became the sole method to collect logs for software development and customer support.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McGee holds an Associate’s Degree in Information Technology from Conestoga College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
McGee was born and raised in southwestern Ontario, near the town of Wingham. He grew up on a family-operated dairy farm and participated in such sports as hockey, soccer and curling throughout his youth. McGee is very close with his parents, older brother and sister, and his three nephews.

You can find McGee on LinkedIn and through his personal website.

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Corporate learning engine