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Author Profile

Christina Wood | Admissions Counselor, Harrisburg Area Community College

Christina Wood | Admissions Counselor, Harrisburg Area Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Christina Wood is an Admissions Counselor at Harrisburg Area Community College, where she coordinates recruitment events and performs outreach with the college and surrounding community. Before taking the job at HACC in 2007, Wood was a Loan Counselor for the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.

Prior to this, Wood spent a year as a Student Life Generalist at the Community College of Philadelphia, and before that she was a Peer Educator and a Resident Assistant at Millersville University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Wood earned her AA in Theatre Arts in 2002 from Harrisburg Area Community College. In 2005, she earned her BA in English from Millersville University of Pennsylvania. In 2006, she earned her MS Edu in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Wood has sat on the Fund Distribution Panel of the United Way of America since 2012. Since 2011 she has been a Board Member of the Mentoring Partnership of Central Pennsylvania and since 2008 she has been a Steering Committee Member of the Project Youth 2000 Conference.

She contributes a quarterly column to the Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Counseling’s newsletter, Community College News.

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Avoiding summer melt