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Author Profile

Cheryl Oliver | Associate Dean of Professional Programs at the Carson College of Business, Washington State University 

Cheryl Oliver | Associate Dean of Professional Programs at the Carson College of Business, Washington State University 

Current Position and Past Experience
Cheryl Oliver is the Associate Dean of Professional Programs at the Carson College of Business at Washington State University. She first entered the college as Assistant Dean of Online and Graduate Programs in 2013.

Prior to this, Oliver was the Director of Graduate Programs in Business at Washington State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Oliver earned a BA from Washington State University in 1999. In 2009, she completed her Ed.M in Higher Education Administration.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Oliver is the incoming Board Chair of the Y of the Palouse. She enjoys helping promote healthy living to families in the Pullman and surrounding communities. Though she enjoys seeing the rest of the world, the Pacific Northwest is her favorite place to which to return. She and her husband are loyal Cougars alumni, employees and supporters.

Cheryl Oliver can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter @cheryloliver. To learn more about online graduate programs offered by the Carson School of Business, please click here.

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