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Author Profile

Anton Reece | President, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Anton Reece | President, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Anton Reece is the President of West Kentucky Community and Technical College. This followed eight years involved in undergraduate student retention and persistence to success as the Associate Vice Provost and Director of the Student Success Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Before moving to the University of Tennessee, Reece was the Director of Student Activities and the Academic Support Coordinator at the Frieson Black Cultural Center. This followed 13 years in various roles as Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs and four years as Dean of Students and Enrollment at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. In addition, Dr. Reece has an extensive media background in radio, television and public speaking.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Reece earned his BA in Broadcasting News in 1988 and his MSc in College Student Personnel in 1990 from Eastern Kentucky University. Reece earned his Ph.D in Educational Psychology and Research from the University of Tennessee in 2013.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
My passion and interests, include working with youth in the community, travelling, public speaking and exercising. I have created and led various community support endeavors for youth including, male students, leadership camps, conferences and leadership academies.

You can connect with Anton Reece through his LinkedIn profile.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed