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Author Profile

Angela Walmsley | Associate Professor of Mathematics, Concordia University Wisconsin

Angela Walmsley | Associate Professor of Mathematics, Concordia University Wisconsin

Current Position and Past Experience
Angela Walmsley is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Concordia University Wisconsin.

Her previous positions included Associate Dean of Northeastern University’s Seattle campus and the Senior Academic Advisor for Northeastern’s Global Network.

Prior to joining Northeastern, Walmsley served as the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research in the College of Education and Public Service at Saint Louis University. She was a professor for 12 years before that and began her career as a middle school and high school math teacher. She has worked in the education sector for approximately 20 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Walmsley earned her BS in mathematics from the University of Illinois, her MEd and DipStat from Trinity College Dublin and her PhD in Education from Saint Louis University. She was named an Emerging Leader by Phi Delta Kappa; and received a Rotarian Ambassadorial Scholarship during her graduate work. During her tenure in higher education, she has published 5 books and approximately twenty-five articles.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Walmsley enjoys traveling, snow skiing and water skiing, and jogging.

Walmsley is the editor for the Statistics Teacher Network.

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