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2023 Assessment Insights in Student Affairs

Assessment of student learning is one of the most cited areas of concern and student affairs is a top area higher ed needs to focus on. 

Assessment of student learning is one of the most cited areas of concern or need for improvement for higher education institutions across accreditors. Within that space, assessment for student affairs and co-curricular areas has been one of the top areas lacking among institutional practices. 

Most concerning in the face of that reality is the lack of staffing, resources and even familiarity with student affairs assessment. For these reasons and more, the Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL) continue to invest and promote their free massive open online course (MOOC), Applying & Leading Assessment in Student Affairs.  

The course has run once a year for the past seven years and consistently sees over 90% course quality ratings, and indication materials and activities have had a positive impact on them. It averages more than  1,500 participants per year and consistently brings in more folks due to the relevance of the material paired with the lack of resources and guidance available at institutions for faculty, staff and administrators on the subject. A free, self-paced, introductory course with an abundance of resources and practical activities to ground the material has proven successfully popular and useful to thousands of people. 

Each year, Joe Levy – who serves as the Open Course Manager for the SAAL Board of Directors – conducts analysis from course participant results and feedback on the course experience. This serves as a great recap of the course experience for the year, as well as implications for changes to influence the next iteration of the course. 

This blog provides a summary of the data analysis and results from the 2023 open course that ran from February  to April of 2023. The reporting resulted in 92 total pages, opening with a 5-page executive summary and followed by reports for the Welcome Survey/User Profile, Quiz Results, Assignment Rubric Results, and User Experience/End of Course Survey Results. The executive summary has hyperlinks to these respective reports and data disaggregation elements summarized. Since that’s a lot of reading, the post below shares the highlights. 

Read the full insights here.