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Patrick Day | Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, California State University, Los Angeles

Patrick Day | Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, California State University, Los Angeles

Current Position and Past Experience
Patrick Day is currently Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at California State University, Los Angeles. Patrick is an accomplished and dedicated student affairs leader with a wealth of experience in the field. He joined Cal State LA in January 2024 and is the first Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at this institution. Since arriving, he has fostered collaboration across the division to reimagine student programs, with the goal of driving engagement, retention, and success.

Patrick’s career in higher education spans over 30 years at public and private universities. He is deeply committed to students and a believer in the power of urban-serving higher education institutions.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Patrick holds a B.S. in Education and Social Policy from Northwestern University and a Master of Education in Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University. He is currently completing his doctoral degree in Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania.

Articles by this author:

Driving student success