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Author Profile

Wendy Evers | Executive Director of New Initiatives and Outreach, San Diego State University

Wendy Evers | Executive Director of New Initiatives and Outreach, San Diego State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Wendy Evers has served as the Executive Director of New Initiatives and Outreach at San Diego State University’s College of Extended Studies. This followed six years as the institution’s Senior Director of New Program Development. Evers has been with SDSU’s College of Extended Studies since 2001, first serving as the Director of Certificate Programs.

Prior to this, Evers spent two years as the Senior HR Training Specialist at MCCS, Camp Pendleton. This followed two years as the Communications Director and an HR Generalist with the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce.

Evers spent 11 years as the Regional Manager and HR Generalist (San Diego) of Crown Books Corporation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Evers earned her BA in Anthropology / Archeology from Chapman University. She has done Human Resources graduate work at UC San Diego. Wendy received her CPP (Certified Program Planner Certification) from LERN in 2008.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Evers is the 2012- 2014 Chair for the UPCEA Western Region. She is the Chair of the University Counsel of LERN, which she has held since 2006. Evers is also a member of the US Green Chamber, San Diego Workforce Partnership, San Diego Regional EDC and on the elite team for the San Diego Exploratory Committee to bring the US Summer Olympics/ Paralympics to San Diego in 2024.

You can find Wendy on the Web via her LinkedIn profile or on SlideShare. To see Wendy’s letter for the upcoming UPCEA West conference, please click here.

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