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Author Profile

Wayne Parkins | Graduate Education Consultant and Former Executive Director of New Business Development Global Business Education, Pearson Learning Solutions

Wayne Parkins | Graduate Education Consultant and Former Executive Director of New Business Development Global Business Education, Pearson Learning Solutions

Current Position and Past Experience
Wayne Parkins has most recently been an Executive Director of New Business Development Global Business Education at Pearson Learning Solutions. He was responsible for building a business in fully online graduate business education. Parkins is currently providing consultancy services for online graduate schools and business schools.

Parkins worked at Pearson from 2004-2014, as a Senior Sales Representative, a Marketing Manager and then as the Executive Director of Integrated Solutions before moving on to his most recent position.

Prior to joining Pearson, Parkins worked at several service based companies in the Higher Education arena.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Parkins received a joint B.S./B.A. in Business Administration and Finance from the University of Central Florida in 1996.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When not learning and sharing about the dynamic graduate education world, Parkins spends a good deal of time coaching his son in Pop Warner football, Babe Ruth baseball, and the occasional YMCA basketball league. You can also find him keeping his cardio-vascular workouts intense so he can enjoy getting elevation on scenic hikes and shredding POW in the Wasatch Range.

Wayne Parkins can be found on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt