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Author Profile

Victoria Berling | Executive Director of Educational Outreach, Northern Kentucky University

Victoria Berling | Executive Director of Educational Outreach, Northern Kentucky University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2005, Victoria Berling has been the Executive Director of Educational Outreach at Northern Kentucky University. Prior to joining NKU, Berling was the Contract Manager for the Accelerated Adult Education Program at Thomas More College, a position she held from 1997-2004.

Before joining the higher education industry, Berling was a Divisional Marketing Director for Charter Medical Corporation for 8 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Berling earned her BA in Public Relations from Western Kentucky University in 1983. In 1999 she earned her MBA in Business from Thomas More College. She earned her PhD in Higher Education Leadership in 2010 from Indiana State University.

She earned ACHE-South’s New Program of the Year Award.

You can find Berling on Twitter @VictoriaBerling.

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Avoiding summer melt