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Author Profile

Vicki Krantz | Assistant Dean of Academic Planning, UC San Diego Extension

Vicki Krantz | Assistant Dean of Academic Planning, UC San Diego Extension

Current Position and Past Experience
Vicki L. Krantz is the Assistant Dean of Academic Planning at the UC San Diego Extension. She also holds the position of Director of UCSD Extension's Business, Science & Technology Programs. Before joining UCSD in 2000, she had a 20-year career in the corporate world, including executive-level assignments with the RCA Corporation, Title Insurance & Trust, and Central Savings & Loan.

Education, Honors and Achievements
She earned both her bachelors and masters degrees at California State University Northridge.

In 2008, she received a Lifetime HR Achievement Award from the San Diego Business Journal.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Krantz is an active member of the Society for Human Resource Management, and is past president of the San Diego Chapter. She is the founder of HR Newsscan, a monthly audio newsletter for HR executives.

She enjoys teaching and regularly instructs classes in leadership, HR, career management, and corporate social responsibility.

Krantz can be found on Twitter @vkrantz.

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Corporate learning engine