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Author Profile

Vicki Brannock | Director of Workforce Strategy and Innovation, Biocom Institute

Vicki Brannock | Director of Workforce Strategy and Innovation, Biocom Institute

Current Position and Past Experience
Vicki Brannock is currently the Director of Workforce and Innovation at Biocom Institute. Previously, she was the Programs Director for San Diego Workforce Partnership. In her San Diego role, Brannock would oversee adult and youth WIOA funding, career center operations, and special population programs, including programs for the disabled, the justice involved and the homeless.

Before joining SDWP, Brannock served as Senior Director of the School of Extended Education at Brandman University, where she oversaw program design and course development for the School of Extended Education's credit and non-credit bearing programs.

Brannock writes and consults on the future of jobs, organizational structure, change management, and program design and development.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Brannock majored in Political Science at the University of Southern California and Strategic Planning at UC San Diego’s Graduate School of International Relations.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Brannock served as the western regional chair for the University Professional Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) and currently serves on the advisory boards of several school districts and nonprofit organizations in the Southern California area. She is the author of Life in Three Courses,a lifestyle blog dealing with issues of urban sustainability and family life. She and her husband live in San Diego with their collie.

You can find Brannock on Twitter @vickibrannock and on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review