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Tom Mucciolo | President, MediaNet Inc., N.Y.

Tom Mucciolo | President, MediaNet Inc., N.Y.

Current Position and Past Experience
Tom Mucciolo is currently the President of MediaNet, Inc., a Presentation Skills Company in New York City. He is also an adjunct faculty member at New York University. Mucciolo is a recognized industry expert regarding visual communications and business presentations. He has served as a presentation skills consultant for major corporations since 1985 concentrating on the scripting, the visual design, and the delivery skills associated with presentations, especially electronic events.

High-profile communicators, including corporate leaders, politicians, educators, physicians, lawyers, sales teams, media personalities, as well as those at any organizational level, demand his coaching expertise to enhance executive presence, improve leadership effectiveness and develop high-quality communication skills.

The Presenting Made Easy workshops and the Electrifying Presentations seminars, seen around the world, feature Mucciolo as the keynote speaker and have been sponsored by industry leaders such as IBM, Microsoft, Dell, In Focus and Toshiba. Beginning in 1999, Mucciolo was engaged as a keynote speaker for Vistage, an organization of CEOs, and has delivered over 100 Presentation Skills Workshops to these executive groups throughout the country.

Over the years, Mucciolo has conducted sessions in a number of international venues, specifically in the medical/dental arena. In 2005, Sweden-based Nobel Biocare, the leading manufacturer of dental implants, contracted with him to design and implement an annual speaker training program for over 300 dental professionals, from Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Mucciolo has a global perspective of cross-cultural experience, having coached speakers from more than 17 countries, some using simultaneous translation, although he can coach people in their native language, since the focus is more on the body language and voice inflection, rather than on the spoken word.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mucciolo earned his B.B.A degree in accounting from Iona College, NY, and launched his business career as a public accountant for Coopers & Lybrand, Price Waterhouse and other companies. Before founding MediaNet in 1985, he turned his eye toward technology and joined the emerging PC industry at its near inception in 1980 and worked in marketing, sales and training positions.

Mucciolo is the co-author of six books Purpose, Movement, Color, Special Edition Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, Special Edition Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2002, Special Edition Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, Special Edition Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007; and the recently released title, A Guide to Better Teaching: Skills, Advice, and Evaluation for College and University Professors.

Mucciolo is the designer and featured speaker on two interactive CDs ( Mechanics-Basic Skills, Media-Design Skills), covering delivery and design skills. These are part of a multimedia CD series, the Electrifying Presentations Library, a complete collection of learning modules serving as detailed references to the concepts covered in the seminars. He is chiefly responsible for the development of MediaNet’s ShowSTARTER, an artificial intelligence software program for designing business visuals.

Since joining the NYU faculty in 2005, Mucciolo has collaborated on several peer-reviewed journal articles on teaching effectiveness, evaluation and scholarship.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Mucciolo had the rare opportunity to study acting with Robert Lewis, a founder of the famed Actor’s Studio; and, in addition to numerous stage productions in NYC, Mucciolo spent several seasons at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, one of the longest-running summer stock repertories in the U.S. He attributes the skills acquired for the stage as being instrumental in the development of his unique, one-to-one coaching programs.

High-profile communicators, including corporate leaders, politicians, educators, physicians, lawyers, sales teams, media personalities, as well as those at any organizational level, demand his coaching expertise to enhance executive presence, improve leadership effectiveness and develop high-quality communication skills.

The Presenting Made Easy workshops and the Electrifying Presentations seminars, seen around the world, feature Mucciolo as the keynote speaker and have been sponsored by industry leaders such as IBM, Microsoft, Dell, In Focus and Toshiba. Beginning in 1999, Mucciolo was engaged as a keynote speaker for Vistage, an organization of CEOs, and has delivered over 100 Presentation Skills Workshops to these executive groups throughout the country.

Over the years, Mucciolo has conducted sessions in a number of international venues, specifically in the medical/dental arena. In 2005, Sweden-based Nobel Biocare, the leading manufacturer of dental implants, contracted with him to design and implement an annual speaker training program for over 300 dental professionals, from Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Mucciolo has a global perspective of cross-cultural experience, having coached speakers from more than 17 countries, some using simultaneous translation, although he can coach people in their native language, since the focus is more on the body language and voice inflection, rather than on the spoken word.

In addition to the MediaNet website; Mucciolo hosts the Visually Speaking blog, which offers tips advice and skills analysis, and he posts video learning segments on the YouTube MediaNet channel.

Mucciolo can also be reached through LinkedIn and Twitter @TMucci.

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Avoiding summer melt