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Author Profile

Thomas Rasbach | Assistant Store Manager, Walmart Stores Inc.

Thomas Rasbach | Assistant Store Manager, Walmart Stores Inc.

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 1999, Rasbach has been with Walmart, serving as an Assistant Store Manager since 2009. Rasbach worked his way up to this position after starting in 1999 as a Cart Pusher, moving up to a Sales Associate in Apparel and then working for eight years as a Merchandise Supervisor in a number of departments.

From 2003-2010, Rasbach concurrently served as an Office Manager with SNS Group. Prior to joining Walmart, Rasbach was a Produce Sales Associate for one year with Winn Dixie.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rasbach is currently working toward earning his BA in Business Administration from the American Public University System. He is a member of the Delta Mu Delta Business Administration Honor Society and Chapter President of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS).

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