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Thomas Cavanagh | Vice Provost of Digital Learning, University of Central Florida

Thomas Cavanagh | Vice Provost of Digital Learning, University of Central Florida

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Thomas Cavanagh is currently Vice Provost of Digital Learning at the University of Central Florida. Previously, he was Associate Vice President of Distributed Learning. He has experience overseeing distance learning strategy, policies, and practices, including program and course design, development, and assessment for the nation’s second-largest university. This followed three years as the Assistant Vice President of Distributed Learned at the University of Florida.

Prior to this, Cavanagh was the Director of Online Course Design and Production at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical College. Cavanagh also served for five years as a Program Manager at the Florida Space Research Institute.

In his career, Tom has administered e-learning development for both academic (public and private) and industrial (Fortune 500, government/military) audiences.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cavanagh earned his Ph.D. in Texts & Technology from the University of Central Florida, his M.B.A. from the University of Phoenix – Orlando Campus and his B.S. in Communications from the University of Miami.

A regular presenter at academic and industry conferences, he is an award-winning instructional designer, program manager, faculty member, and administrator.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Cavanagh is the author of Murderland, Head Games and Prodigal Son. He has won a Florida Book Award Gold Medal and been nominated for a Best Novel Shamus Award by Private Eye Writers of America.

Tom has served on a variety of e-learning advisory boards including: the WCET Steering Committee, chair of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Advisory Board, the Board of Directors of the Florida Virtual Campus (and chair of the Distance Learning and Student Services Members Council), the Canvas Product Advisory Board, the Board of Directors for the Florida Distance Learning Association, and on the program planning committees for the EDUCAUSE annual conference, the EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference, and the Sloan Consortium Blended conference.

Connect with Cavanagh on LinkedIn and on Twitter @tbcavanagh.

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Corporate learning engine