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Author Profile

Theresa Rowe | Chief Information Officer, Oakland University

Theresa Rowe | Chief Information Officer, Oakland University

Current Position and Past Experience
Theresa Rowe is currently the Chief Information officer at Oakland University, a position she has held since 2002. Rowe has been at Oakland University since 1990, where she has served as a Senior Systems Analyst, the Manager of Student Information Systems and Director of Information Systems before stepping into her current role.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rowe earned her AB Degree in Economics from the University of Michigan—Dearborn in 1982. In 1995 she earned her MPA from Oakland University.

Rowe has earned a number of Professional Certifications, including Certified and Advanced Software Manager at LicenseLogic, and Certified HIPAA Security Specialist and Professional from the HIPAA Academy.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Rowe is active with EDUCAUSE and other organizations focused on technology in higher education.

You can find Rowe on Twitter @OUCIO.

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