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Author Profile

Theresa Billiot | Vice President of Teaching and Learning, Little Priest Tribal College

Theresa Billiot | Vice President of Teaching and Learning, Little Priest Tribal College

Current Position and Past Experience
Theresa Billiot is currently Vice President of Teaching and Learning at Little Priest Tribal College. She is a change-agent who is dedicated to academic excellence, student success, and institutional performance. Billiot has taken on multiple roles including curriculum, assessment, accreditation, student services, and enrollment management. Previously, she was Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs at Oklahoma Panhandle State University. Prior, she was at Woodbury University where she served for three years as Assistant Dean of the School of Business, Associate Professor of Marketing and Interim Department Chair for Fashion Marketing and Marketing. She has also served as a tenured Associate Professor of Marketing at Cameron University and an Assistant Professor of Marketing Fort Hays State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Billiot earned her Ph.D. from Texas Tech University in Mass Communications with a Cognate in Marketing. She also obtained a Master of Business Administration in Marketing from Florida Atlantic University. She also has a Master of Arts in Mass Communication and Media Arts from Southern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from Nicholls State University.

She was awarded the 2021 Most Inspiring Professor of the Year and the 2020 Faculty Member Making a Difference at Woodbury University’s School of Business. In addition, she was recognized as the 2014 Partner of Choice at Cameron University for expanding and developing new community and area partnerships.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Billiot loves to help others discover hidden potentials. She believes that we need to continually invest in advancing our knowledge and engaging in self-reflection. She applies a player-coach leadership style where she empowers people to fail fast and fail forward so we can create breakthroughs in higher education. Billiot has a strong Christian faith.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed