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Susan Jagendorf-Sobierajski | Executive Director of International Education, SUNY Cobleskill

Susan Jagendorf-Sobierajski | Executive Director of International Education, SUNY Cobleskill

Current Position and Past Experience
Susan Jagendor-Soberiajski is currently Executive Director of International Education at state University of New York (SUNY) at Cobleskill and has been in this position since 2006. In this role, she assists administration and faculty in internationalizing the curriculum, design and implement international joint and study abroad programs, and promote faculty professional development along with many other things.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jagendorf-Sobierajski holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Lingustics from City University of New York. She also has a Master of Science in Education and Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from SUNY Albany.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Susan loves to travel and engage with new cultures and languages. She is an avid reader of books that focus on cultures around the world and is fluent in Spanish. She also won a Fulbright award and was sent to South Korea to learn about their education system.

You can connect with Susan on LinkedIn

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